Why AI
Learn how to use AI to create apps, games, and ideas that amaze your friends.

Cool Stuff
Use AI to study smarter, write better, and turn your ideas into reality.

Get Ahead in School
Discover how AI helps with things like saving the environment and curing diseases.

Solve Real Problems
Start learning the skills that will make you stand out in tomorrow's world.


Academic Achievement
Multiple cross-national studies show that students engaged in speech and debate on average earn higher grades, perform better on standardized tests, and are preferred candidates among college admissions counselors.
Academic Achievement
Multiple cross-national studies show that students engaged in speech and debate on average earn higher grades.
VCU College of Engineering
Monday to Friday
July 15th to July 19th, 2024
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
$350 includes lunch and snacks
I saw the impact of PCs. Then I saw the impact of local area networks. Then I saw the impact of wide area networks. Then I saw the impact of the Internet. Then I saw the impact of mobile. Then I saw the impact of wireless. Now I'm seeing the impact of artificial intelligence. And it dwarfs any of those things.
- Mark Cuban

We partner with technology leaders nationwide to deliver our curriculum to students at scale. We'll do all the heavy lifting to recruit students and train your employees. Host a Mark Cuban Foundation Intro to AI Bootcamp to get to know the future AI leaders in your community!